Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Celebrating "Labor" on Labor Day Weekend?

It's a good thing I haven't kept a very good blog over the past year, cause I'm sure more than half of the venting posts would have been directed straight toward my job, or more specifically my boss.

And no body wants to hear that. (**If you thought "Nope, sure don't," stop reading now. :)

But last night, after a nice Labor Day weekend, I cried myself to sleep because I knew I'd have to go back to work the next day. (Pathetic, I know.) And those tears only led to bad dreams about work all night.

Because I work for the LDS church and have a pretty cool job (by some people's standards), whenever anyone asks how I like what I do I always put on a face and "love it."


There you have it. I've turned this post into a confession post.

On paper my job is great. Working with my used-to-be-boss-but-is-now-my-"team lead"-whatever-that-means?!-she-totally-thinks-she-controls-me... not as great as it looks on paper.

Ok. I guess it's not the job, just the boss. I like what I do, just not who I do it with.

I talk about quitting all the time, but I won't cause I'm addicted to my paycheck.

UGH. (the very non-silent kind.)

In addition to threats about quitting (mostly to myself and sometimes to my husband), I also laugh at the power I have to set a very firm 9-month quitting deadline...

Yeah, no. Not right now. But I SO could.

Pregnancy = escape from one job + oh yeah, new job as Mom.

...Yeah, no. Not right now.

Someone please rescue me with a million dollars so I can have my freedom back!! Think of it as paying my ransom and saving a life. PuLEEEEEz!

No? Guess I'll have to work tomorrow. At least Thursday is payday.

1 comment:

  1. I feel similarly. It was so good to read your post and hear someone expressing what I haven't dared to admit to anyone but myself. I, too, am feeling a lot of stress and pressure at work these days. I've totally had the same thoughts about how getting pregnant => escape from my job... and a new job. A harder job. With less money floating around in the family. UGH, like you said.
