It's about time for my semi-annaul update. So here are the hap happenings with Mr. and Mrs. B:
On the job front - Mr. B's contract ended with BYUtv. Because they knew he was looking for another position and would most likely not be around this fall, they decided not to renew his contract, but instead contract someone else for the position. Mr B. was just fine with this because, as I said, he was already looking elsewhere. Problem...he hasn't found the elsewhere yet. We are being patient, and Mr. B. is making valiant efforts to remain positive. We shall see what adventures are in store! His dream is to work for a national broadcasting network, which, if happens, would mean we could virtually live anywhere we'd like as long as he has easy access to an airport. A step on the path to achieving that dream may be that he starts at a more regional or local station. If this is the case, we would have to relocate to said region or city. At this point I believe we're willing to take on just about anything!
My job situation has changed a bit too. I went from having a big ol', mean boss last year, to boss being demoted to co-worker, to co-worker getting a different boss, to (as of last month) moving offices so I'm not even on the same floor with co-worker! Yippee! We occasionally see each other, but I can handle occasionally. My job title has also changed. I am not only the ASL Interpretation Supervisor, but now I am also a Language Producer. Also yippee! My job no longer sends me home in tears, but has actually become quite enjoyable.
On the home front - Mr. B. is doing an awesome job keeping the house together while hunting for employment. One goal I tasked him with helping me achieve is regular exercise--something I've been without for some time. He insists on taking me to our local pool regularly to give me swimming lessons and help me exercise. I'm not real great at the swimming thing yet, but I appreciate his patience and diligence. Another activity that has been keeping me busy is photography evening classes! Hopefully more to come on that soon.
On the church front - My calling (12-14 year old young woman advisor) has also eased up a bit. It was a stress and a strain for awhile, but now that others have figured out their roles, it has become a pleasure to serve. Mr. B. is still quite popular in his role working with the 16-18 year old boys.
On the family front - My brother got home from his mission!! It's been wonderful to have him home. My younger sister has been working on her papers, but just found out she may not be able to serve unless she can get her iron levels up. She's been quite heartbroken, but I'm sure things will work out for the best.
That should cover it! See ya in six more months?... ;)
I look forward to whenever you're feeling up to updating.